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Air Services Home


The Air Services Home page is an overview of your facility that provides options to view and edit your facility information.  The Air Services Home page is comprised of three important sections; Facility Information, In Progress Tasks, and New Tasks; one important button; View Facility Profile; and the third-level menu.  Each of these are discussed below.

Facility Information

View Facility Profile

In Progress Tasks

New Tasks

Third-level Menu

Related Help Pages

Facility Information

The Facility Information section at the top of the Air Services Home page identifies the facility name, facility location and current permitting classification of the facility.  The facility name appears as it will on any permits or other documents generated by the Division of Air Pollution Control.  The facility name can be modified by submitting a change to the facility profile.  The other information presented is the data Ohio EPA has on record.  If any of this information is incorrect you can contact your Ohio EPA District Office or Local Air Agency contact for assistance. 

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View Facility Profile -View Facility Profile Button

Your Facility Profile contains all the important information about your facility including program applicability, reporting dates, emissions units, egress points, processes and control equipment.   ClickingView Facility Profile Buttonopens your Facility Profile as it exists with Ohio EPA as read-only.  This is your view of your Facility Profile exactly as Ohio EPA views it in their internal system.

If, and when, Ohio EPA makes changes to your Facility Profile, it is automatically updated in this view of your profile.  When you make changes and submit your Facility Profile, it is also automatically updated in this view of your profile. This view of your Facility Profile is frozen so that you can at any time view your profile as it is viewed from Ohio EPA staff internally.  This means changes (editing) cannot be done from this page.  The contents of your Facility Profile, and steps for making changes, are discussed in the Help page entitled Facility.

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In Progress Tasks

This section of the Air Services Home page identifies tasks that you have initiated but you have not submitted to the Ohio EPA.  From the datagrid you can access the tasks you are working on to continue data entry and eventually submit. You can also delete a task from the datagrid. It is important to note that any tasks, such as an application or compliance report, that is in the datagrid, are not viewable by Ohio EPA.  Ohio EPA does not see this data until you have completed the submission process.

You will also notice a column in this datagrid identified as Dependent on Task.  Certain tasks in Air Services, are dependent upon your Facility Profile.  As mentioned before, your Facility Profile contains important information about your facility including program applicability, reporting dates, emissions units, egress points, processes and control equipment. Many of the tasks performed in Air Services (generating an application, generating an emissions report) are dependent upon the information in your Facility Profile.  Whenever you generate such a task you will see Facility Profile Change identified in the Dependent on Task column.   In addition, when you generate such a task, the system will automatically generate a Facility Profile Change task if one does not already exist in the In Progress Task list.  It is through the Facility Profile Change task hyperlink, or any Facility Profile Change hyperlink in the Dependent on Task column, that you will make any necessary changes to your Facility Profile.  Selecting any one of the hyperlinks will open the same working version of the Facility Profile for changes.  Although the Facility Profile can be accessed by more than one hyperlink, at no time is there more than one Facility Profile available for editing.  Whenever you submit a task that is dependent up the Facility Profile, it will automatically submit the most current working version of your Facility Profile at the same time. More details of this functionality are discussed in the Help page entitled Facility.

Also identified in the datagrid is the Created Date for the task and the User Name of the person whom initiated the task.

Caution:   When you clickDelete Button, the selected item and all corresponding entries attached to that selection will be deleted permanently. Therefore, a pop-up window will be presented confirming that you want to delete the selected item and any other items it depends on.

Click Printable View Button to open a separate window that will allow you to see all the tasks that are in the In Progress Tasks section.  The new window is formatted to allow easy printing of the tasks using your internet browser.

Click Export to Excel Button to export all tasks in the In Progress Tasks section to Excel. 

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New Tasks

This section of the Air Services Home page  contains hyperlinks used to create new tasks related to Air Services.  Each has a specific function and opens a first-level menu tab (some are the same first-level menu tab) that can be edited, and eventually submitted.  When you select a New Task and save it for the first time, it will appear in your In Progress Tasks list for future access. For any task you are working on, and eventually submitting, you will be able to access a Help page specific to the information for that task by clicking on the Help link on that page.  A brief discussion of the New Tasks follows:

This hyperlink will generate a Facility Profile Change task as well as a Facility Contact Change (see below) in your In Progress Tasks if one does not already exist.  If you previously generated such a task it will be identified in the In Progress Tasks datagrid and it is through that hyperlink that you can make changes to your Facility Profile.  If such a task already exists in the datagrid you will not be able to create another one and you will see the following error in the information bar at the top of your home page:

 Facility Profile Change Error

When generating a Facility Profile Change task, the system creates a copy of your profile as it exists at that time for editing (to view how your Facility Profile exists at that time click on View Facility Profile Button).   It will open the editable Facility Profile in the Facility tab (first-level menu).   

The contents of your Facility Profile, and steps for making changes, are discussed in the Help page entitled Facility. 

This hyperlink will open the Owner/Contact page (third-level menu of Air Services Home page) in edit mode and also places a Facility Contact Change task in your In Progress Tasks.  Through this hyperlink you can make changes to your owner and contact information and submit the changes to Ohio EPA. 

The contents of the Owner/Contact page, and steps for making changes, are discussed in the Help page entitled Owner/Contact. 

This hyperlink will generate a Permit-by-rule Notification task in your In Progress Tasks.  Multiple Permit-by-rule Notification tasks can be generated and exist in your In Progress Tasks at any time. This hyperlink will allow you to create the necessary notification for a source that wishes to operate under a permit-by-rule.

When you click on Permit-by-rule Notification, a pop-up will appear and you will select the PBR Type from a picklist. Select the appropriate PBR Type and click Create Buttonto continue or Cancel Button to abort the process.

The contents of a Permit-by-rule (PBR) Notification, and steps for completing entry, are discussed in the Help page entitled Application Detail. 

This hyperlink will generate a PTI/PTIO Application task in your In Progress Tasks.  Multiple PTI/PTIO Application tasks can be generated and exist in your In Progress Tasks at any time. This hyperlink will allow you to create, and eventually apply for, either a permit-to-install and operate (PTIO; non-Title V facilities) or a permit-to-install (PTI; Title V facilities). 

When you click on PTI/PTIO Application, a pop-up will appear. If a PTI/PTIO Application has been submitted for your facility in the past, two radio buttons will appear on the pop-up:

If you do not wish to select either radio button, or if a PTI/PTIO Application has not been submitted for your facility in the past, simply click Create Buttonto open an empty application. If either radio button is selected, click Create Buttonafter completing the necessary fields to open the application you wish to correct or the application you wish to use for the starting point of your next submittal. At any time prior to clicking Create Button, you can click Cancel Buttonto abort the process. Once Create Buttonis clicked you will be taken to the Application Detail tab (first-level menu) where a PTI/PTIO Application will open in the edit mode.

The contents of a PTI/PTIO Application, and steps for completing entry, are discussed in the Help page entitled Application Detail. 

This hyperlink will generate a Title V PTO Application task in your In Progress Tasks.  Multiple Title V PTO Application tasks can be generated and exist in your In Progress Tasks at any time. This hyperlink will allow you to create, and eventually apply for a Title V permit (whether it is an initial application, renewal or revision/modification). 

When you click on Title V PTO Application, a pop-up will appear. If a Title V application has been submitted for your facility in the past, two radio buttons will appear on the pop-up:

If you do not wish to select either radio button, or if a Title V PTO Application has not been submitted for your facility in the past, simply click Create Buttonto open an empty application. If either radio button is selected, click Create Buttonafter completing the necessary fields to open the application you wish to correct or the application you wish to use for the starting point of your next submittal. At any time prior to clicking Create Button, you can click Cancel Button to abort the process. Once Create Buttonis clicked you will be taken to the Application Detail tab (first-level menu) where a Title V PTO Application will open in the edit mode.

The contents of a Title V PTO Application, and steps for completing entry, are discussed in the Help page entitled Application Detail. 

This hyperlink will generate a Title IV Acid Rain Application task in your In Progress Tasks.  This application allows you to apply for a Title IV Acid Rain Permit (whether it is an initial application, renewal or revision/modification).  Once the link is  clicked you will be taken to the Application Detail tab (first-level menu) where a Title IV Acid Rain  Application will open in the edit mode.

The contents of a Title IV Acid Rain Application, and steps for completing entry, are discussed in the Help page entitled Application Detail.

This hyperlink will generate a Request Administrative Permit Modification task in your In Progress Tasks.  Multiple Administrative Permit Modification tasks can be generated and exist in your In Progress Tasks at any time. This hyperlink will allow you to create, and eventually apply for one of the following:

  • administrative modification of a final issued PTI;
  • administrative modification of a final issued PTIO;
  • administrative permit amendment for a final issued Title V permit;
  • off-permit change for a final issued Title V permit.
  • When you click on Request Administrative Permit Modification, a pop-up will appear where you will select the Modification Type and the applicable Permit Number from the picklists and then click Create Button.

    The contents of a Request Administrative Permit Modification, and steps for completing entry, are discussed in the Help page entitled Application Detail. 

    This hyperlink will generate a Emissions Report task in your In Progress Tasks specific to the type of emissions reporting required for your facility. The report may also include a Fee Emissions Report (FER), Emissions Statement (ES) and an Emissions Inventory System (EIS) report.  All Title V and Synthetic Minor Title V facilities are required to submit an annual emissions report while Non-Title V facilities are required to submit emissions reports biannually.

    When you click on Emissions Report, a pop-up will appear, where you will select from the following:

    At any time prior to clicking either of the above, you can click Cancel Button to abort the process. Once one of the above is selected, you will be taken to the Emissions Report tab (first-level menu) where the appropriate emissions report will open in the edit mode.

    The contents of an Emissions Report, and steps for completing entry, are discussed in the Help page entitled Emissions Report. 

    This hyperlink will generate a Permit Evaluation Report task in your In Progress Tasks.  Multiple Permit Evaluation Report tasks can be generated and exist in your In Progress Tasks at any time. This hyperlink will allow you to create, and eventually submit a PER (annual for non-Title V facilities only). 

    When you click on Permit Evaluation Report (PER), a pop-up will appear where the Due Date will default to the annual facility wide due date established for your facility. The pop-up box will also identify the number of emissions units for which a PER is due (EU’s for this period) and number of reports which may have already been submitted for the required reporting period (Reports submitted for this period) as un-editable fields. ClickCreate Report Button to generate the report or click Cancel Button  to return to abort the process.

    Once created, you will be taken to the Compliance Report tab (first-level menu) where the appropriate PER will open in the edit mode.

    The contents of a Permit Evaluation Report (PER), and steps for completing entry, are discussed in the Help page entitled Compliance Report. 

    This hyperlink will generate a TV Annual Compliance Certification task in your In Progress Tasks.  Multiple TV Annual Compliance Certification tasks can be generated and exist in your In Progress Tasks at any time. This hyperlink will allow you to create, and eventually submit a TVCC. 

    When you click on Title V Annual Compliance Certification Report (TVCC), a pop-up will appear where you will select the appropriate Reporting Year from the pick list. ClickCreate Report Button to generate the report or click Cancel Button  to return to abort the process.

    Once created, you will be taken to the Compliance Report tab (first-level menu) where the appropriate TVCC will open in the edit mode.

    The contents of a TV Annual Compliance Certification, and steps for completing entry, are discussed in the Help page entitled Compliance Report. 

                When you choose an Emissions/Stack Tests task, the following reports are available for submission:

    Stack Test Results
    NSPS Initial Test Results
    Intent to Test for Compliance Demonstration

                When you choose a COMS/CEMS/CERMS task, the following reports are available for submission:

                      Intent to Test for Annual RATA
                      Annual CEMS RATA Results
                      CEMS, CERMS, or COMS Initial Certification Test Results

                      Excess Emissions Reports
                      Intent to test for Initial Certification of CEMS, CERMS or COMS

        This hyperlink will generate an Other Compliance Report task in your In Progress Tasks.  Multiple Other Compliance Report tasks can be generated and exist in your In         Progress Tasks at any time. This hyperlink will allow you to create, and eventually submit a variety of compliance reports. Other Compliance Report is intended to provide you the ability to         submit ANY type of compliance report you may need to submit EXCEPT a Permit Evaluation Report (PER)or a Title V Annual Compliance Certification, which both have their own form that can be generated as a new task as discussed above.      

    When you click on Other Compliance Report, a pop-up will appear where you will select the appropriate Category from the pick list.  If you do not see the specific category of compliance report you wish to submit in the picklist, you can select OtherClickCreate Report Button to generate the report or click Cancel Button  to return to abort the process.

    Once created, you will be taken to the Compliance Report tab (first-level menu) where the Other Compliance Report template will open in the edit mode.

    The contents of an Other Compliance Report, and steps for completing entry, are discussed in the Help page entitled Compliance Report.

    This hyperlink will generate an Intent To Relocate task in your In Progress Tasks.  Multiple Intent to Relocate tasks can be generated and exist in your In Progress Tasks at any time. This hyperlink will allow you to create, and eventually submit three types of intent to relocate tasks. 

    When you click on Create an Intent To Relocate notice, a pop-up will appear where you will select the appropriate Request Type from the pick list.  ClickCreate Button to generate the request or click Cancel Button  to return to abort the process.

    Once created, you will be taken to the Application Detail tab (first-level menu) where the Intent To Relocate template will open.

    The contents of an Intent To Relocate, and steps for completing entry, are discussed in the Help page entitled Intent To Relocate.

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    Third-level Menu

    The third-level menu hyperlinks located to the left of the Air Services Home page are links to a variety of information about your facility.  If you select any of the hyperlinks, you will notice that you do not leave the Air Services Home tab, but you do have options within the windows opened from the menu item you chose.  For example: the Owner/Contact menu item allows you to view contacts, view assigned roles, ownership, etc., but you do not leave the Air Services Home tab.  Information in any third-level menu is not editable but rather viewable, printable and able to be exported to Excel.  Each third-level menu also has its own Help page that describes the content in detail (links are provided below under the heading “Related Help Topics”).  Below is a brief description.

    Information from the third-level menu lists may be viewed, exported to Excel or printed. By clicking Printable View Button you may view and print. By clicking Export to Excel Buttona pop-up will appear in which you must click Open in order to view the information in Excel.

    This hyperlink allows you to view current or historical Owner/Contact information.  To edit this information you would generate the Owner/Contact Change New Task as described above.

    This hyperlink allows you to view a datagrid of all applications, in read-only format, that have been submitted to the Ohio EPA in the past.  To submit a new application you would generate the appropriate application task as described above.

    This hyperlink allows you to view a datagrid of all permits, in read-only format, that have been issued by the Ohio EPA in the past.  

    This hyperlink allows you to view a datagrid of all emissions reports, in read-only format, that have been submitted to the Ohio EPA in the past. You can also view the historical Facility Profile that existed when each emissions report was submitted. Historical Facility Profiles are discussed in more detail below and in the Help page entitled Facility. To submit a new emissions report you would generate the Emissions Report Task as described above.

    This hyperlink allows you to view a datagrid of your facility’s emissions reporting category, in read-only format, for any given year if reports were submitted or are required for those years. 

    This hyperlink allows you to view a datagrid of all compliance reports, in read-only format, that have been electronically submitted to the Ohio EPA.  To submit a new compliance report you would generate the appropriate compliance report task as described above.

    This hyperlink allows you to view a datagrid of all correspondence that has been generated by Ohio EPA.

    As discussed above, and in greater detail in the Help pages entitled Facility and Facility Profile History, whenever you, or Ohio EPA makes a change to your Facility Profile, it is updated and replaced as your new profile.  These changes may be necessary, for example, as part of an application submittal or emissions report submittal.  Each time your Facility Profile is changed and submitted Ohio EPA retains a record of the Facility Profile as it existed for that submittal event.  When data is subsequently updated and submitted, a new version is created and the old version is saved.  The type of information in a Facility Profile can change over time, for example adding or permanently shutting down emissions units.  This allows you, and Ohio EPA, to view what your facility looked like at the time of the submittal rather than what the current profile contains.  A copy of each HISTORICAL Facility Profile that is retained as a record is displayed in a datagrid, and viewable, from this page.  You can also view your current Facility Profile in this page (always the first profile in the datagrid marked “CURRENT”). You will know you are viewing a historical Facility Profile by the red banner at the top of the page that reads: “**Historical version. Please note start and end dates**” .

    These profiles are read-only. To edit your current Facility Profile you would generate the Facility Profile Change New Task as described above.

    This hyperlink allows you to view a datagrid of significant events that have happened in relation to your facility.  For example, you can see when submittals were received by Ohio EPA, significant permitting events related to an application you submitted, or when an emissions unit was permanently shutdown per your request.

                This hyperlink allows you to view useful reference materials related to the tasks you can perform in Air Services.

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    Related Help Pages



    Application Detail

    Emissions Report

    Compliance Report

    Third-level menu




                Emissions Report(s)

                Reporting Category

                Compliance Reports

                Facility Profile History

                Event Logs
