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Facility Tree


The “Facility Tree” concept is graphical, interactive, and available on almost all screens within Air Services. The tree enables you to navigate within the virtual/online facility by simply clicking on the tree icons which are labeled and graphically represent individual or collective emissions units, processes, control equipment, and egress points.

The Facility Tree contains and displays the relationship between emissions units, process, control equipment and egress point information; e.g., whether control equipment is in series or parallel and whether egress points are venting controlled or uncontrolled emissions.

The icons appearance also gives a clear indication of the emissions unit operational status as well as being hyperlinked to all information known about that particular item.

Below is an example of a Facility Tree. While in the Air Services, clicking on any item that appears brown and is underlined will display the specific information available at that level.

Facility Tree Description

Note that egress point EP01 is associated with the Shredder Baghouse in both emissions units F001 and F002. This scenario is common for control equipment. The graphical nature of the tree allows you to easily see which controls have been associated with each emissions unit within the facility.

As shown “graphically” and as mentioned earlier in the example, an emissions unit (F002) can have one or more “process” associated. Each process is characterized by one SCC number as supplied by the facility. The SCC number is entered or selected via a built-in search tool within Air Services and can be searched by either a cascading level menu or a keyword. All types of facilities (e.g., Title V, non-Title V, Synthetic Minor) will need to identify SCC codes in the new system, regardless of whether it was necessary in the past.

In summary, an emissions unit will have one or more processes associated with it. A process may have one or more control equipment, egress points or both associated with it. Egress points may be associated to a process (e.g. fugitive) or a control equipment (e.g. stack). A control equipment may have one or more egress points, subsequent control equipment, or both associated with it. The Facility Tree is designed to capture any real world scenario.

As a user clicks through a facility tree, the tree will collapse to bring the emissions unit of interest to the top of the list.  If at any point you want to view the entire facility tree again, you can click the Expand Facility Tree button.

The following topics are included in this help page:

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Important Icons

The following is a general discussion and graphical representation of the Facility Tree Icons. The data grid will show you the icon and then describe what it means when it shows up in the various trees throughout Air Services.

Icon/Graphic Usage Discussion

Facility Icon
Represents the facility. The Icon is followed by the facility ID and is hyperlinked to the Facility Profile.

Shutdown Facility Icon
Represents a facility that has been permanently shutdown. Once the facility is permanently shutdown, it can only be resurrected by the system administrator.

Green Checkmark
Indicates an entity that has passed validation. When you see the green checkmark next to the icon at the top of the Facility Tree, you know the action you were validating has been accepted.

Emissions Unit
Indicates an emissions unit. The Icon represents an emissions unit within the facility that is active.

Emissions Unit Not Yet Validated
Represents an emissions unit that has not been validated or has been changed. Once the emissions unit is associated, validated and submitted in Air Services as an action, the icon will change from this form to the icon above.

Excluded Emissions unit
Represents an emissions unit that is not associated with the application or permit. Indicates the emissions unit is not associated with the permit application and will not be associated with any subsequent issued permits.

Shutdown Emissions Unit Icon
Represents emissions units that have been permanently shutdown. Once the emissions unit is permanently shutdown, it can only be resurrected by the system administrator.

Ineligible Emissions Unit Icon
Indicates an emissions unit that is not eligible or available to be included in the subject artifact. The subject artifact may be an application or a permit action or other action that will not accept the emissions unit.

Insignificant Emissions Unit Icon
In the facility profile for a Title V facility, Title V Applications and Permits, represents an insignificant emissions unit. The size of this triple gear indicates that the emissions unit is an insignificant emissions unit.

Non-Validated Insignificant Emissions Unit Icon
In Title V Applications and Permits, represents an insignificant emissions that has not been validated or has been changed. Once the emissions unit is associated, validated and submitted in Air Services as an action, the icon will change from this form to the icon above.

In the facility profile for a Title V facility, Title V Applications and Permits, represents an insignificant emissions unit with no applicable requirements.The size and fewer number of gears indicates that the emissions unit has a Title V classification of "Insignificant (No Applicable Requirements).

trivial EU
In the facility profile for a Title V facility, Title V Applications and Permits, represents a trivial emissions unit.The size of this single gear indicates that the emissions unit is a trivial emissions unit.

Emissions Process Icon
Represents an emissions process. The process must have an SCC and will always be associated with an emissions unit. There may be more than one process for a single emissions unit.

Control Equipment Icon
Represents control equipment. The Icon is hyperlinked to all known information about the equipment.

Egress Point Icon
Represents an egress point. The egress point can be a fugitive or stack emissions point from the facility. Fugitive is directly associated with the process while stack is directly associated with control equipment.

Modified but not Validated Icon
Indicates an entity that has been changed in the system but not validated. When you see this icon there is more work to be done or the action must be validated and submitted.

Validated report Icon
For Emissions Reports, indicates that an SCC has been entered for the process and has been validated. Indicates that information is available for the emissions process in the form of an SCC. This icon must be present for Emissions Reporting.

Report Entered but not Validated icon
For Emissions Reports, a process for which data has not been validated. Validation of the Emissions Report will change the icon to the above icon.

Grouped Emissions Units Icon
More than one emissions units grouped. For Emissions Reports, groups of emissions units with the same process are grouped together for calculation purposes.

For Title V Applications, for the purpose of a combined emissions requirement.

For PTI/PTIO Permits, for emissions units with identical requirements, all emissions units covered by a specific set of terms are listed above the Applicable Requirements table.

Grouped Emissions Units not yet Validated Icon
Emissions units grouped for which the data has not been validated. The group must be validated and submitted to change to the above icon.

Collapsed Tree Section Icon
Represents collapsed section of any lengthy tree representation. To “un-collapse” the tree, click on the three dots and all emissions units in the tree will appear.

Issued Permit or Report Icon
Represents either a permit has been issued or an emissions report. This icon is followed by the permit number or the emissions report number. Both are hyperlinked to the opening detail page for each tab.

Disassociated CEs
Represents control equipment that is not associated with a process. If this appears, the equipment is at the facility but is not associated with any process. Once associated, the icon will not appear.

Diassociated EG Points
Represents an egress point that is not associated with a process. If this appears, the egress point is at the facility but is not associated with the process. Once associated, the icon will not appear.

Invalid EUs

Represents emissions units with permanently shutdown selected as the operating status. Once an emissions unit is permanently shutdown it can only be changed to another operating status by a System Administrator.

Invalid EUs
Represents emissions units with invalid selected as the operating status. Invalid is used when an emissions unit is discovered to be truly erroneous or a duplicate of another valid emissions unit in the facility tree.

Collapsed Object Icon
Represents the collapsed/compressed version of the object. This button is useful to compress the length of a tree.

Uncollapsed Object Icon
Represents the uncollapsed/uncompressed version of the object. This button is useful to expand the tree to see all information.

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Create an Emissions Unit

Air Services’ Facility Profile Change hyperlink allows you to create an emissions unit from the Create Emissions Unit button located at the bottom of the Facility Profile page. This is where you add an emission unit that is not listed in the Facility Tree. To access the Facility Profile page perform on of the following:

In order to permanently shutdown an emissions unit, you may change the operating status to Permanently Shutdown and indicate the date of shutdown.  When this information is submitted via Air Services, it replaces the need for the permitee to mail a hard copy, signed certification stating the shutdown has occurred.  IMPORTANT:  If a facility profile is submitted with an emissions unit indicating it is permanently shutdown, in or oder to operate that emissions unit again, a new PTI must be issued per OAC Chapter 3745-31.  The Responsible Official or Authorized Representative must sign or PIN any facility profile update that includes a newly marked shutdown emissions unit.

If you choose not to submit this information via Air Services, then Ohio EPA must receive a request and signed certification from the authorized official, as defined in OAC rule 3745-31-04(B) for non-Title V facilities, or the responsible official, as defined in OAC rule 3745-77-01 for Title V facilities.  The request must identify the facility ID and individual emissions unit ID(s) as well as the date of shutdown.  Once received, Ohio EPA will update your Facility Profile indicating the change and effective date as identified in your request.  You will be notified of the change when it occurs in the Event Log accessible from the Air Services Home tab.  The updated information will then be viewable by clicking the View Facility Profile button on the Air Services Home page.

The facility cannot continue to legally operate the emissions unit once either of these submissions options has been completed.
The Permit History of the emissions unit is available from a link of that title in this section.  A separate window will appear with a table listing all of the permits that emissions unit appears in as well as a link to the permit document(s).

Once you have finished entering the all the information click the Save button. The newly created emission unit ID will now be listed in the facility tree with a set of blue gears Emissions Unit followed by TMPXXXXXX, where X=a number. This designation will continue until the emissions unit is assigned an alphanumeric number by Ohio EPA after submission.

Air Services also has the ability to create a clone of an emissions unit, useful for creating additional emissions units with similar features, rather than entering duplicate information repeatedly. Refer to “Create a Cloned Emissions Unit” heading for more information on this feature.

To continue creating the emission unit, additional information may need to be entered. Refer to the following headings below: “Create Emissions Process”, “Create Control Equipment”, and “Create Egress Point”.

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Create a Cloned Emissions Unit

Another system feature is the ability to create an exact copy of an emission unit. This is useful for creating additional emissions units with similar features, rather than entering duplicate information repeatedly. This function is found under the Facility Tree by clicking on the emissions unit that you wish to copy. At the bottom of the Emission Unit Information page, click on the Create Cloned Emission Unit button. A screen will populate with the information from the emission unit being copied. You enter a new DAPC Emissions Unit ID as described in the help above, as well as, any other information that you deem necessary to differentiate this unit from the unit copied. Once all information has been entered click the Save button and the emissions unit will appear in the Facility Tree as previously explained.

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Create Emissions Process

Air Services allows you to create an emissions process for a specific emissions unit where you can identify the emissions unit process description, name, and Source Classification Code (SCC). An emissions process with a valid SCC associated to its corresponding emissions unit is required by Air Services in order for applications to be effectively submitted and subsequently be issued a permit. This feature is accessed either by clicking on the specific emissions unit icon, Emissions Unit, in the Facility Tree or by selecting the DAPC Emissions Unit ID from the datagrid through the third-level menu, Emission Units, of the Facility Profile page. Either path will send you to the specific Emissions Unit Information page of the Facility Profile. At the bottom of the page click the Create Emissions Process button and enter information according to the descriptions below.

IMPORTANT: If you perform emissions reporting in Air Services, the SCC identified for each process is used to populate important information and perform calculations in this system. It is very important you determine and use accurate SCC information.

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Create Control Equipment

Air Services’ Facility Profile page allows you to create control equipment for the facility. By clicking the Create Control Equipment button, the Control Equipment Information page allows you enter control equipment type, specific information, and pollutants controlled by the equipment. Once equipment is entered and saved, you may associate/disassociate and view/update the equipment information.

IMPORTANT: If you perform emissions reporting in Air Services, the control equipment efficiency(s) identified for each control may be used to populate important information and perform calculations in this system. It is very important you accurately enter this information.

Create Egress Point

Air Services’ Facility Profile page allows you to create egress points for the facility. By clicking the Create Egress Point button, the Create Egress Point page allows you enter egress point information, as well as, continuous emissions monitor information. Once egress points are entered and saved, you may associate/disassociate and view/update the information.  Detailed descriptions of the data fields present on the Egress Point Information screen can be found on the Egress Point Detail help page.

Associate Egress Points

An egress point can be either associated with an emissions process, control equipment, or be completely disassociated from anything else in the facility. Because an egress point may be associated with either a process or a piece of control equipment or both, it is very important to determine how you should associate the egress point. There may be more than one egress point associated with an emissions process or control equipment, and there may be more than one emissions process or control equipment in the facility that uses any particular egress point. If a single egress point is used more than once in the Facility Tree, which is often the case, it will appear in the tree as many times as it is used. Also, the specific egress point icon will be highlighted if selected throughout the Facility Tree.

If the egress point is completely disassociated from anything else in the facility, but it still exists in some capacity it will show up in the Facility Tree as Disassociated Egress Point. This designation does not change the egress point information that has been entered into the egress point file.

Step1: Emissions Process or Control Equipment.

Step 2: Designate the Egress Point.

Step 3: Verify.

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Disassociate Egress Points

Once the egress point has been associated and saved, you have the option to disassociate the egress point.

Step1: Emissions Process/Control Equipment.

Step 2: Designate the Egress Point.

Step 3: Verify.

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View Facility Egress Points

Detailed information on entering the egress point data fields can be found on the Egress Point Detail help page.

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